Senior Cycle Curriculum

At Woodbrook College our students are stimulated by their educational surroundings to become confident, independent learners. We offer a wide-ranging and balanced curriculum, preparing our students for life in the 21st Century.

Mūsų mokytojai yra labai atsidavę ir pasišventę. Jie glaudžiai bendradarbiauja, siekia meistriškumo ir padeda kiekvienam mokiniui atskleisti savo potencialą. Visi mūsų darbuotojai stengiasi palaikyti šią nuolat tobulėjančią mokymosi aplinką. Mes siekiame sukurti plačią ugdymo patirtį, kuri leistų mūsų mokiniams tapti gabiais, savimi pasitikinčiais ir laimingais jaunais suaugusiaisiais.

This is an exciting time in education. We have a clear vision of the environment we are creating. Our students are always at the core of our plans.


Learning together for a better future.


We offer our students a wide range of subjects at Leaving Certificate level. All students will study their three core subjects: English, Irish, and Maths. In addition to this, students will choose four option subjects. The optional subjects on offer are:

Accounting Vokiečių kalba
Menas History
Biology Namų ekonomika
Business Music
Chemistry Physics
Construction Leaving Certificate Physical Education (LCPE)
Design & Communication Graphics (DCG) Leaving Certificate Vocational Education (LCVP)
Economics Religious Education (R.E.)
Prancūzų kalba Ispanų kalba


Please see the Leaving Certificate subject booklet for more detail regarding outline of individual subjects.